Transdisciplinary conference: Changing Worlds - Engaging Science and Technology in Art, Academia and Activism
19/11/2015 (All day) to 21/11/2015 (All day)
The "Changing Worlds" conference seeks to provide an inclusive forum for exchange, discussion, and collaboration among artists, academics, activists, and other people concerned with science and technology issues. It's transdisciplinary in scope, valuing the different perspectives and approaches related to the different backgrounds. Formats include traditional paper presentations as well as arts-based contributions and an open space for spontaneous collaboration.
Conference website:
Update: The morning session on Saturday, 21 November, is devoted to "Bio worlds – science, art, activism", including a presentation on synthetic biology.
Bio worlds – science, art, activism
Bio worlds – science, art, activism
Institute for Advanced Studies, Palais Strozzi
Josefstädter Straße 39
1080 Vienna