
  • Creating Responsible Bioeconomies

    There is a need for the discussion of RRI in advanced biotechnology to be expanded to include the holistic concept of bioeconomy. In a series of future events, SYNENERGENE will take aspects of the bioeconomy into account. More
  • #SynbioForum: Read Rathenau's Storify of the event!

    Curious to know what happened at the #SynbioForum? Want to see some pictures? Read the Rathenau Institute's great summary of all tweets. Go to Storify
  • iGEMer’s Guide to the Future

    The iGEMer’s Guide to the Future is an interactive web-based tool that supports iGEM teams in their integrated human practices work and to do responsible research and innovation. More
  • Responsible Research and Innovation in Synthetic Biology

    Synenergene was a four-years project supported by the European Commission, aiming to establish an open dialogue concerning the potential benefits and risks of synthetic biology. The project ended in 2017. read more
03/11/2016 - 04/11/2016

Nature Medicine and the Volkswagen Foundation organise a so-called

Herrenhausen Palace Conference Center
Herrenhäuser Straße 5
30419 Hannover
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29/09/2016 - 14:00 - 16:30

The Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB) has announced a public panel debate to be held 29.09.2016 in Berlin in the premises of the German Bundestag.

Deutscher Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin
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The 2016 annual meeting of the German Ethics Council will focus on "Genome Editing" and will be held on 22 June 2016 in Berlin.

Further details will follow.

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Markgrafenstraße 38
10117 Berlin
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